Eco-Friendly Weddings: Green Ways You Can Have that Special Day

For those of you that have the engagement ring on your finger, the next step is to plan your wedding and knowing where to start is hard enough.

Planning a wedding can be stressful, but there is no need to put extra stress on the environment. It is time to think green and save where you can, what you can.

Want go go green on your big day? Using beautiful centerpieces that your guests can take home and plant is one novel idea. Image:

A date has to be set and invitations must be sent out. A great idea for all wedding paper is recycled paper. Do not get the wrong idea and think that recycled paper is ugly. On the contrary, beautiful paper is made from recycled paper.

Furthermore, many companies make paper with seeds imbedded inside. These seeds vary from herbs to wild roses and you can have your pick of them. Your guest can take the invitation and plant them in their gardens, making sure that no paper goes wastes.

This can also be used for table names, thank you notes as well as menus, giving your wedding a vibe of tranquility. It can double as gifts for your guests, helping you save on some of those wedding expenses.

Also, the ink used on these types of paper is water based and is thus safe for the soil of your own and your guests’ gardens.

Companies that specialize in these types of paper and printing will insure that the water used in the process of making the paper, will be recycled and reused.

If you feel that it is not necessary to send out physical invitations, use modern technology and send it out via the internet. Many couples opt for a webpage that contain all the necessary information for the guests and all that remains to be done is sending the link out to friends and family.

Let your bridesmaids wear a dress they will love to use again, and again.

Choose fresh, organic and locally produced food for your wedding and opt to use the community when outsourcing certain things.

Another very, very important part of a wedding is your dress. When you insist on making a brand new dress, opt to use eco-friendly materials. There are many options available including organic cotton and even the soft, luxurious touch of bamboo.

Another thing to consider is the venue. Choosing a natural surrounding will not only make for beautiful decoration, but also save on your decoration costs.

Lastly, the wedding ring. There are many options out there for eco friendly wedding rings. You can find one to match your style and consciousness.

If you want to color your wedding green, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. -ANNABEL SCHOEMAN

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